Episode 4

Published on:

30th Sep 2019

4: Sheridan Voysey: Life After Infertility

“There is this deep fear that if this doesn’t work our lives are over...”  Sheridan and his wife tried for children for 10 years but it wasn’t to be.  In this episode of The Fuck It Moments Podcast, he tells those going through the fertility process that life without children isn’t the end. That there is “still identity and purpose if you don’t get the family you’re dreaming of”. It’s a story of resilience, of acceptance and of hope. Especially when all options are seemingly exhausted and you start anew, over on the other side of the world. For more about Sheridan’s books, talks on the stigma of male infertility and a multitude of topics, visit http://SheridanVoysey.com Presented by Clare Freeman. Produced by ASFB Productions.
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About the Podcast

The Fuck It Moments Podcast
What if your wildest dreams came true?
Sharing ordinary people's extraordinary stories.

What will you change after listening to just one episode of The F**k It Moments Podcast?

We dare you…

Presented by Clare Freeman. Music by Thomas Ragsdale. Produced by ASFB Productions.

About your host

Profile picture for Clare Freeman

Clare Freeman

The Podcast Coach: Helping ordinary people share extraordinary stories.

Aged 10, I dreamt of having my own production company called A Small Furry Bear. I presented radio shows on a ghetto blaster in my bedroom with my little brother. Now, some 20+ years later, as a podcast coach and presenter - that day dream has become an everyday reality.

Question is, how can we make your dreams of presenting a podcast come true as well?